Teaching and Advising
If you’re interested in working with me, please take a look at my current (and updated!) Advisee Guide. This document is intended to provide some useful guidance in the process of completing your graduate requirements. It’s also a bit out of date so please contact me if you have any questions. For more information about UGA Graduate School deadlines, consult the Grad School Calendar. Students should also familizarize themselves with the Romance Languages Graduate Handbook and the Linguistics Graduate Handbook.
Note: Before you consider asking me to work with you as a major professor, please keep a few things in mind. First, you need to have taken at least one course with me in order for me to consider serving as your major professor. Second, unless you are working on something related to my current research, I will not be able to serve as your major professor.
📢 Student News 📢
Dr. Sarah Hubbel accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of North Georgia. Congratulations, Sarah!
Eliot Westdorp was selected to participate in the UGA Graduate Student Leadership Development Program (GradLEAD). “GradLEAD is a new program hosted in partnership by the Graduate School and the department of Engagement, Leadership and Service for all enrolled graduate students no matter the program, year, or expected graduation date to engage in continued leadership development.” Congratulations to Eliot on this important recognition!
Current Advisees
Allonah Ezro-Christy (PhD, Romance Languages), Areas of Research: Comparative Romance Linguistics, Historical Change, grammaticalization
Nathaniel (Nate) Fackler (PhD. Linguistics), Areas of Research: Sociolinguistics, language acquisition
Mario Juárez Sánchez (PhD, Romance Languages), Areas of Research: Language variation, Spanish in digital media
Rachel Kim (PhD, Linguistics), Areas of Research: Sociolinguistics, perception of US dialects by L2 speakers of English
Bailey Pieplow (MA, Linguistics), Areas of Research: Sociolinguistics, language variation in Georgia
Eliot Westdorp (PhD, Romance Languages), Areas of Research: Sociolinguistics, language variation in Peninsular Spanish, Galician/Spanish contact
Former Advisees
To find a copy of a thesis or dissertation, go to the UGA repository and search by the author’s name.
Sarah Hubbel (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: Predicate constituent order variation in the Andes: A comparative analysis of Andean Spanish and bilingual Cusco Quechua (2024)
Camila Lívio (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: Digital Approaches to Intensification in Portuguese & Spanish (2023)
Javier Cabezas Zapata (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: ¿Se puede medir la gramaticalización? El caso de las anclas temporales del español (2023)
Kathryn Galyon (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Somos quariwarimis: La intersección del género y la indigenedad en el lenguaje de hablantes bilingües de quechua y español (2023)
Michael Gray (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Emojis and the expression of Queer Identity: A Sentiment Analysis Approach (2023)
Erin Hannahan (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Language attitude influence: Association of Quechua with English enhances positive attitudes towards Quechua (2022)
Bethany Bateman-McDonald (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: Contact-induced subjectivization in the compound past: an examination of PP/PRET variation in Cusco Spanish (2022)
Andrew Bray (PhD, Linguistics), Dissertation Title: A Hockey-Based Persona: The Sociolinguistic Impact of Canadian English on American-Born Players (2022)
Katrina (Kit) Callaway (PhD, Linguistics), Dissertation Title: From ey to ze: Gender-neutral Pronouns as Pronominal Change (2022)
Shannon Rodríguez (PhD, Linguistics), Dissertation Title: Constructing, Performing, and Indexing “Southern” Latino Identities: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Intersection of Ethnicity and Place in the Speech of Young Adult Latinos in Georgia (2022)
Keenan (Kino) Hunt (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Definite articles preceding anthroponyms in Spanish: A multi-country corpus study (2021)
Madeline Critchfield (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: A Tale of Two Coasts: The Impact of Language Contact on Number Marking and Subject Pronoun Expression in Two Varieties of Spanish in Nicaragua (2021)
Dallin V. Larsen, Dissertation Title: A corpus based approach to the diachrony of the Spanish discourse markers bien, bueno, and claro (2020)
Joseph “Joey” Stanley (PhD, Linguistics), Dissertation Title: Vowel dynamics of the Elsewhere Shift: A sociophonetic analysis of English in Cowlitz County, Washington (2020, Assistant Professor at Brigham Young University)
Mohammad Al Jutaily (PhD, Linguistics), Dissertation Title: The influence of linguistic and non-linguistic factors on the variation of Arabic marked consonants in the speech of Gulf Pidgin Arabic (2018)
Ryan Dekker (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Income Effects on a Speech Community: Oconee County within Northeastern Georgia (2018)
Philip Limerick (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: Subject expression in a Southeastern U.S. Mexican Community (2018)
Shannon McDonough (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: La gramaticalización de la estructura (NO) IMPORTAR + MINIMIZADOR; La negación y las palabras tabúes en español (2018)
Jessica Tiegs (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Language variation and grammaticalization: The case of estar + que in Northern Peru (2018)
Joshua Hummel (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Conflict’s connotation: a study of protest and riot in contemporary news media (2017)
Christa Rampley (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Ratchet: Ratchet: An etymological origin and social dispersion theory (2017)
Inma Garnes (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: Marcadores conversaciones como origen de intensificadores en el español peninsular: la gramaticalización de venga (2016)
Sarah Hubbel (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Acquiring Quechua mid vowels: L1 English L2 Spanish Third Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context (2016)
Bethany Bateman (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Reportative evidentiality in Wounaan meu-Spanish bilinguals: A comparative examination of dice(n) que (2015)
Lamar Graham (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: The history of the future: Morphophonology, syntax, and grammaticalization (2015)
Minh Nguyen (Linguistics Major, CURO), Honors Thesis Title: A #whitewashed landscape: internalized racism, linguistic discrimination, and the policing of ethnic identity on Twitter (2015;personal website)
Martín Ocón Gamarra (PhD, Romance Languages), Dissertation Title: Non-contact versus contact induced language change: The case of Andean pues (2015)
Philip Limerick (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Spanish subject expression in Roswell, Georgia: Dialect formation in an emerging bilingual community (2014)
Kristen Fredriksen (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Constraints on perfect auxiliary contraction: Evidence from spoken American English (2012)
Allison Wachter (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Semantic Prosody and Intensifier Variation in Academic Speech (2012)
Kerry Steinberg (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Language Use, Language Attitudes and Mobility: The Case of the Rural and Urban Areas of Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay (2011)
Laura Greifner (MA, Linguistics), Thesis Title: Negative Connotations in Adjectives versus Nouns: The Test Case of Poor (2009)
Javier Lluch Latorre (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: La pragmática de la entonación en el discurso político (2008)
William ‘Buck’ Pennington (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Split antecedents and pronominal expressions in Spanish (2008)
Ninosca Pérez Minchola (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: El rol de la cortesía en entrevistas políticas conflictivas en la televisión peruana (2007)
Anne Rutter Sekanina (MA, Romance Languages), Thesis Title: Address form selection amongst urban Spanish youth: The influence of the Cheli sociolect (2007)